Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Training Day1 - Developing a Business Mindset

Training Day
Here we go again. Apologies for not writing until now. After I received my first lesson, I was so excited with all the contents I received that I totally forgot about this blog. 

I received about 10 step by step videos to proceed with. As my nature is I like to go through all the content, before I start any work. My first lesson started with Focus and Mindset. I imagine that this is taught by all the leaders in this industry. 

I think you will agree with me that it is one of the most important things one should master. Focus and Mindset are two important factors to be successful, no matter what your goals are. We start learning this when we are at school. I remember my parents and teachers advising me to stay always concentrated on what you do and to do only one thing at a time. At that time it was easy because you had lesser distraction. Well for me the only distraction was that I was crazy about football and would do anything to avoid studying. Not that I was bad in studies just that I did not like spending hours on lessons.

But gradually as the years go buy we tend to deviate from this. We forget what we have learned and lose track of what we are doing. We find that we get easily distracted. We want to do tons of things at the same time. We are very disorganised. All these are parts of bad habits that we accumulate as we become more adult. We forget all the good things that we have learned when we were kids and start enjoying the bad habits.

Another important factor is being consistent 
Let us take from my personal example, I have never managed to be a model student, I used to focus just 15-20 days before the exams and really concentrate on my studies and that is how I succeeded. But the sad part is that if I had applied this technique consistently all year round then may be I could have scored the highest marks. If you can imagine the effort I made in 15-20 days, gave me moderately satisfying results but if I had put that same effort all year round, can you guess what could be the outcome.

The same principles apply for your online business. You have to consistent and apply the same techniques over and over again if you want to see excellent results and outcomes. Do not do it for a day and come back again after a week or so.

Say for example; you write good articles and you have achieved some good audiences. These audiences would subscribe to your newsletter hoping to get more from you and if you don't offer them on a regular basis then they would lose interest in you and you may as well lose the opportunity to make them profitable.

So be consistent in what you are doing and DO IT NON STOP.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Using Leverage in a Blog to Pull in Profits

How are you using your blog to pull in profits right now? Chances are you're doing what 90% of the marketers out there do and simply have a blog where you post great content and then periodically promote affiliate products or CPA offers. After all, that's the commonly 'prescribed' method of making money by blogging.

While that does work, to a degree, there are more advanced methods that could be way more effective. One of these is: Leverage.

Even if you have no introduction whatsoever to leverage, you'll find that you can use your blog as part of a plan that uses it to perfection. In fact, the only thing you need (apart from your blog, of course!) is an eBook product of your own. Without your own product you'll find that you can carry out this plan in different ways - but it won't be as effective.

So let's say you have an eBook. Were you to just go about marketing the 'normal' way via your blog, you'd probably dedicate a post or two to it, and maybe even set up a sales page. However, you're not going to do that. Instead, you're going to take that eBook and extract a chapter that you feel is particularly interesting, and make it into a 10 page report or so.

Now you have two products: An eBook and a report. From that report, you can then create blog posts that talk about various topics that are covered in the report itself. Try to aim for around 5 or so. Each of these blog posts should be aimed at eventually leading the reader to the report itself, which you're going to be giving away for FREE when your readers sign up to your list.

Basically, this means that when people read your blog posts, they'll have the option of finding out more by simply signing up to your list and downloading the report for free. In the report, there should also be an option to find out even more by purchasing your eBook!

See how you're now using a linear plan for marketing?

Truth be told, you could branch things out even further, and create various other blog posts from your eBook itself to promote both the report and eBook. By not promoting the eBook directly though, you're going to be simply 'providing value' to your readers, and it is far less likely to come off as simply trying to palm products off onto them.

At the same time, you'll be building your list and starting to be able to market more and more products as and when you come up with them.

Using this strategy, you should be able to pull in far more profits from your blog simply by maximizing the effectiveness of your marketing. That in itself will set you apart from the minnows of the marketing world, and let you swim with the big fish!

If you're tired of barely scrapping by and are ready to finally make some money online with blogging, you need to check out Bloggers Payback:

Bloggers Pay-Back-Time


Saturday, October 10, 2009

A New Mission - Selling my own e-books

Hi Everybody,

Back again with another blog. I am starting a new mission again. This time it is going to be something that I have always thought about.

I always wanted to create my own ebooks to sell. But unfortunately had no knowledge. Did not know how to start.

How do I write them. This is one part which has always been  very intriguing. Not that I cannot write but writing on something that my readers would be interested in is something difficult. I can keep on writing for ages but does that make really sense. I don't know if I am making any sense writing this article here.

Secondly, I see all these lovely ebooks on the internet. How do they create these lovely e-covers? How do I create them? What graphics editor to use? I have been with computers almost all my life but have not really mastered everything. Specially, html, graphics and all those things that go along.

Thirdly, How do I get my ebooks to sell? Where do I promote them? Who will buy them? This questions have been running on my head bugging my tiny brain without any solution.

Well, today all that is going to change and open new doors for me. I just happened to come across a course which is going to solve my problems.

I was reluctant in the beginning. Oh No! another of those money sucking courses again. I had time so kept on doing loads of research on this person. I checked every single thing she did and clicked on every video or sites that I could find. Finally, got convinced that she was the right person to follow if I want to get my ebooks to the market and known all over the world.

So I joined her course. Well there goes my credit card again. More expenses to bear but this time I was convinced that I was going on the right track. Specially, when it is totally linked with my dream. Create my own e-books. I am a good cook, I love cooking and I invent my own recipes and this is really going to help me brand myself and my books.

Click the link if you want to learn more about this Coaching Program
Lost Reseller Coaching Program

This one course is very comprehensive and will teach me the A-Z of Marketing. What I will be getting is unlimited but here are some of the topics to give you a taste of what benefits I get from it :

  • Creating e-books
  • Creating graphics and minisites to sell my products
  • Creating Membership site for my buyers
As I go along I will be posting my progress. I will try to post my activities and tasks that I have accomplished so far to let you know how it is going along with the course.

Depending on the time it will take me, I plan to have my first set of e-books to be ready to published and promoted to the market in 1 to 2 months time.

So keep reading my friends

So once again if you are interested in getting your own ebooks to the market then don't hesitate to go and look at the link. You may be surprised to find what benefits it could bring you.
Lost Reseller Coaching Program